INSIDE OUT - OUTSIDE IN: Stamen Woven Rug & Cushions
INSIDE OUT - Is the function behind the concept; flipping fabric, one product two designs making the most of the products surface.
OUTSIDE IN - Is the design element of the concept. Taking inspiration from plant structure, cells, form, colour in nature.
Looking at urban dwellers, small apartments and spaces with no gardens, greenery or scenery, Habitat can bring the outside in. Filling spaces with organic inspired designs reminding them of the beauty, complexity and structure beyond their concrete surroundings.
Feel good fabrics on your skin, to lighten your mood, help you relax and inspire thought and creativity. Flipping patterns and surfaces enables the product to have twice the life span and in return cutting down on consumerism.
Photography by Nick Pumphrey at Samphire Studio & Sands Studio, St Ives